Ambitions for shared mobility in Rotterdam


Rotterdam is a city that is continuously growing. Space is becoming scarcer, climate change has also forced the city to make smart choices. To give the city the brightest future possible, the City of Rotterdam is working on an innovative approach to traffic and transport. Shared mobility plays a significant role in the transition.

For short distances we go for a walk, we take a (shared) bike or (shared) electric scooter. The city is making more place for pedestrians, cyclists and more green. Cars in possession are increasingly being exchanged for cars that we share.

By 2025, all shared cars in Rotterdam will be electric

Rotterdam expresses this ambition in the 'Policy Document and Permits for Shared Cars' (pdf, dutch version), published at the end of 2020. From this year, 2021, the first steps towards the electrification of shared cars will be taken.

Rotterdam also expresses the ambition that by 2030 about 5% of all cars in Rotterdam will be shared cars. These ambitions are an important step in the mobility transition, in which Rotterdam is working on an accessible, healthy city.

Within Mobi-Mix, Rotterdam is working on three demonstration projects

The three projects make a significant contribution to achieving the city's objectives, but of course also to the international climate objectives.

With these projects, the municipality is investigating the effects and successes together with market parties and residents. What do market parties and the municipality need from each other for a successful project? What does collaboration look like? And of course: what is the effect of the projects on the use of shared mobility and - in the longer term - on the CO2-reduction?

The demonstration projects have the aim to test the effects regarding three carsharing concepts:

  • Free-floating shared cars in the city.

  • Offering station based open community car sharing in a public parking garage.

  • Closed community car sharing, initiated by a group of residents.

Rotterdam has previously experimented with shared mobility

During the "Mobility Challenge Hoogkwartier", residents in the Hoogkwartier, a neighbourhood in the centre of the city, also experimented with shared mobility. Residents and entrepreneurs parked their car in a parking garage and used shared mobility: such as shared bicycles, shared cars or public transport.

The vacant parking spaces were temporarily converted into space for the neighbourhood: green and lively places. What did we learn from that? You can read that in the knowledge paper.

Photo: Car sharing place in Rotterdam by Eric Fecken

As a result of the Mobility Challenge Hoogkwartier almost 20 parking spaces in the neighbourhood were permanently greened at the request of the residents. The lessons learned in this Challenge will be incorporated in the new demonstrator projects of Mobi-Mix.

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